North Tacoma Soccer Club

North Tacoma Soccer Club

North Tacoma Soccer Club

Our Programs

NORTAC Program

NORTAC Program

Our goal is to provide a strong developmental environment for players and their coaches in a fun and stimulating environment at an affordable cost. We believe that volunteer coaches working under the supervision of an experienced technical director and staff coaches can deliver an exceptional experience to our participants while keeping the program affordable.

Sparta Tacoma

Sparta Tacoma

Sparta Tacoma is our premier-level, year-round program designed for the serious player (7 to 19 years old) who is committed to furthering his or her soccer development.

Over the last five years, Sparta has earned several league and tournament championships, Washington Cup trophies and league promotions. And many of our teams compete in the top division.



Welcome to NORTAC Soccer Club

Welcome to NORTAC Soccer Club

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Contact Us

Contact Us

Mailing address:
North Tacoma Soccer Club
P.O. BOX 7264
Tacoma, WA 98417


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